CAPTCHA במחשבים הוא מבחן אתגר מענה (challenge-response) שמטרתו להבטיח שהתשובה אינה מופקת באמצעות מחשב. במנגנון מעורב בדרך כלל מחשב המייצר שאלה אקראית, כזו שלאדם קל לענות עליה אך למחשב קשה מאוד.

CAPTCHA | The IT Law Wiki | Fandom Contents[show] Definition CAPTCHA is a contrived acronym for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.” It is Overview CAPTCHAs present a user with a challenge, usually to correctly type in a series of letters and/or numbers, to prove that the user is not a bot. Google offers a CAPTCHA option for its Gmail application that requires users to answer basic Mega Man Maker DWN-058 Astro Man is a Robot Master that comes from Mega Man 8 and returns in Mega Man & Bass who is featured in Mega Man Maker as of its 1.5.0 update. He fights using his signature weapons the screen-encompassing Astro Crush and illusive Copy Vision … Captcha - Ryte Wiki - The Digital Marketing Wiki

簡介. CAPTCHA这个词最早是在2002年由卡内基梅隆大学的路易斯·馮·安、Manuel Blum、Nicholas J.Hopper以及IBM的John Langford所提出。 卡内基梅隆大学曾试图申請此詞使其成为注册商标 , 但该申请于2008年4月21日被拒绝 。 一种常用的CAPTCHA测试是让用户输入一个扭曲变形的图片上所显示的文字或数字,扭曲變形

Dec 15, 2015 CAPTCHA - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A CAPTCHA is a test that is used to separate humans and machines. CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart." It is normally an image test or a simple mathematics problem which a human can read or solve, but a computer cannot. CAPTCHA - Wikipedia

Captcha - CosmicPvP Wiki

Ein Captcha ['kæptʃə] (der oder das, auch CAPTCHA; engl. completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart „vollautomatischer öffentlicher Turing-Test zur Unterscheidung von Computern und Menschen“) wird verwendet, um festzustellen, ob ein Mensch oder eine Maschine (Roboter[programm], kurz Bot) einbezogen ist. „CAPTCHA“ (čita se kapča) je vrsta izazov-odgovor test koji se koristi u informatici da odredi da li je korisnik čovjek ili kompjuter. Proces podrazumjeva jedan kompjuter (server), koji traži od korisnika da odradi jednostavan test koji je kompjuter sposoban da generiše i ocijeni. CAPTCHA (главни букви на латиница, ˈkæptʃə, понякога предавано като капча) е тест за сигурност, използван в информатиката, за който се смята, че може да бъде издържан само от човек.