2012-1-23 · International Cooperative Alliance Statement of Cooperative Identity (1996): 1. Voluntary and Open membership. 2. Democratic member control. 3. Member Contribution to Capital. 4. Autonomy and independence. 5. Education of members and public in cooperative principles. 6. Cooperation between cooperatives. 7. Concern for community. Introduction

2019-7-6 InternatIonal Co-operatIve allIanCe BlueprInt for a Co 2014-2-17 · 2010) and all of our Business (employee ownership association, 2012). he contributes This document was considered in draft by the General Assembly of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) in Manchester in October 2012. Following comment and discussion (now reflected in this Present at the International Cooperative Alliance General The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) carried out its General Assembly in Cape Town, South Africa from November 1st to 5th. Sancor Seguros, member of the maximum authority of the cooperative movement worldwide, participated in the event. Our representatives were our President, Alfredo Panella and the Institutional Affairs Director, Norberto Cipollatti. International Co-operative Alliance-Asia and Pacific

History of the cooperative movement - Wikipedia

Managing Knowledge for Innovation: The Role of …

2019-9-26 · The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) in its Statement on the Cooperate Identity, in 1995, defines a cooperative as “an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.” It is a

2011-3-23 · Model Contracts for Small Firms: International Contractual Alliance ii © International Trade Centre, August 2010 Contents Foreword Acknowledgements International Cooperative Alliance member profile | ICA 2020-6-11 · International Cooperative Alliance member profile. Capricorn Society Ltd. Facebook share; Tacebook share; Google Plus share; Linkedin share; Share by email; Structure type: Co-operative Group. Country: Australia. Contact details. Phone +61 86 250 9500: Address: Locked Bag 3003 WA Website