Is My VPN Working? -

How to ''Quickly'' Test DNS Resolution Jan 05, 2005 How can you know if DHCP server working or not? - check for your client machine i.p through ip config. if it is taking i.p from the specified range of the DHCP server than your DHCP server is UP and working Upvote (0) Downvote (0) Reply (0) Pros and Cons of DNS Over HTTPS - DZone Security For example, if you are working on an insecure public network, you don't have to communicate with a DNS server via cleartext if you use the encrypted Cloudflare server.

Sep 02, 2015

The DNS server seems to be working fine. The likely bug is that your system is asking it for an IPV6 address even though your system doesn't have IPV6 connectivity. An IP address can also be unreachable from your system if some ISP in between has a broken router. What is DNS (Domain Name System) and How it Works Nov 05, 2015

That will tell you if the DNS server is working. If so and things work if you change the router primary DNS to and that works makes no sense to me why would not work. Maybe a finger check? Make sure in your testing that when you test on your PC you clear the local on PC DNS cache as that can give you false information for testing.

check for your client machine i.p through ip config. if it is taking i.p from the specified range of the DHCP server than your DHCP server is UP and working Upvote (0) Downvote (0) Reply (0) A single DNS server with DNS scavenging enabled on it is enough to have the DNS scavenging properly done. Configuring DNS scavenging on many servers is usually not recommended as it makes troubleshooting DNS scavenging related issues (Example: Removal of legitimate DNS records) more complicated. Sep 05, 2018 · All DNS records have a time-to-live value, which shows when a DNS record will expire. After some time has passed, the recursive DNS server will ask for an updated copy of the DNS record. Step 5: Final DNS Step. The Recursive DNS server has the information and returns the A record to your computer. That would just tell me that my local DNS server is down for the moment. Now the A+ doesn't expect you to fix DNS servers, but it does expect you to recognize a DNS problem so you can get on the phone and call whoever is administrating your DNS server and say hey man, fix it.